Sunday, May 03, 2009

a first!!

Heath took me on my first camping trip, as an adult. Of course, I have been camping at Girl's Camp ... but that's it! I'm N-O-T a camping fan; being dirty, now showers, blow dryers, internet. My parents didn't ever take us camping because they didn't like it, themselves.

Heath has an awesome tent that goes on the back of his truck, so you sleep in the bed of the truck! We brought one of the kids' mattress' .... sooooo nice! Way better than sleeping on the ground. I definitely enjoyed and will go again!

After camping at Four Peaks, we took the quads out for a 15 mile ride. It was so much fun. I had a blast! Heath pushed my skills as a quad driver; going up and down some pretty steep terrain. I survived, nerves and all and can't wait to go on the same trail again.

The view from the inside of the tent. What a view to wake up to!

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